California Weight Loss Supplement Attorney

If you or someone you know has experienced adverse health effects after taking a weight loss supplement, you may have reasonable cause to pursue a lawsuit against the responsible manufacturer. Contact our California defective drug lawyers at (949)-557-5800 for your free case evaluation.

Dangerous Weight Loss Drugs and Supplements

Dietary and weight loss supplements may seem like the latest fad, but there has been a long history of American consumers’ fascination with products that make claims that they can make users feel healthier, look better, and lose weight. The weight loss industry is a market force of epic proportions, backed by billions of dollars in weight loss products, services, diets, medical procedures, and pharmaceuticals. In the pursuit of gaining support from consumers looking to maintain a healthy body weight and lifestyle, many of these weight loss companies market their products aggressively. They also fail to mention, however, the dangers weight loss supplements can pose to consumers.

It is important for consumers to understand that the FDA has limited authority over the weight loss industry and that regulation of these supplements and products is uneven at best. As such, numerous products are recalled after reports of adverse effects. Of course, recalls are reactive measures, and often, the damage has already been done. Since 2005, the FDA has found banned substances in more than 300 weight loss supplements. These banned substances have been known to cause serious medical complications, including high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and liver damage.

Learn More about Your Weight Loss Supplement Lawsuit

As the FDA’s lack of regulation over the weight loss industry can result in a number of legal complications, it is vital that you retain experienced representation that can ensure your opportunity to recover compensation rests in the hands of capable attorneys. We strongly advise all injured consumers to schedule a free case evaluation with our California weight loss supplement attorney to learn more about your weight loss supplement lawsuit.