Plavix® Cerebral Hemorrhage Lawyer & Lawsuit

As an intra-axial hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhages are characterized by bleeding that occurs within the brain tissue rather than outside of it. Subsequently, adverse events such as this may prove to be life-threatening. Affecting approximately 30,000 people each year in North America, cerebral hemorrhages are a relatively common occurrence in the medical field. Unfortunately, the use of Plavix, a popular anti-platelet medication, may increase the rate in which patients develop this condition. Patients who receive Plavix treatment may significantly increase their risk of suffering from a severe, life-threatening cerebral hemorrhage.

If you or a loved one has suffered from cerebral hemorrhaing after using Plavix, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free confidential case evaluation. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and we can help.

Plavix Cerebral Hemorrhage Lawsuit Overview

Plavix, a product of world renown Sanofi Aventis, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 17, 1997. Since being introduced to the U.S. market, Plavix has been prescribed over 115 million times for the prevention of atherosclerotic events following recent myocardial infarction, stroke or established peripheral arterial disease.

According to a distinct mechanism of action, Plavix is considered an anti-platelet drug of the ADP antagonist (thienopyridines) category. As an anti-platelet medication, Plavix has the inherent ability to prevent the aggregation of platelets that could potentially inhibit the flow of blood through an artery. In doing so, Plavix irreversibly inhibits a specific protein found on the surface of blood platelets that is responsible for the regulation of blood clots. By preventing specific actions taken by this protein, Plavix may halt the aggregation of platelets and reduce the risk of unnecessary blood clots. Subsequently, Plavix may significantly lower the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Unfortunately, the pharmacodynamics of Plavix may also be responsible for a variety of debilitating conditions with varying degrees of severity. Subsequently, cerebral hemorrhaging has recently been associated with the use of Plavix. By demonstrating an ability to interfere with the coagulative ability of blood, Plavix may increase the risk of severe bleeding in the cranium. Medical practitioners are referring to such adverse events as Plavix cerebral hemorrhages.

Cerebral Hemorrhage

As the name suggests, cerebral hemorrhages are a type of bleeding that occurs inside the skull (cranium). Hemorrhages that occur within the boundaries of the brain generally happen suddenly and without warning. Often times, cerebral hemorrhages are the result of significant trauma. Subsequently, severe cerebral hemorrhages may cause brain and nerve damage with life-threatening complications.

Since the brain cannot store oxygen, an array of blood vessels are tasked with providing ample amounts of necessary nutrients. However, the amount of blood displaced in a significant cerebral hemorrhage may put pressure on the brain and deprives it of oxygen. The lack of oxygen and nutrients may ultimately lead to a cerebral stroke. When a hemorrhage or stroke interrupts blood flow around or inside the brain, depriving it of oxygen for more than three or four minutes, the brain cells die. Furthermore, the affected nerve cells and the related functions they control are damaged.

Cerebral hemorrhaging may take the following forms:

  • Intracerebral hemorrhages: bleeding that occurs inside of the brain tissue.
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhages: bleeding that occurs between the brain and the corresponding membranes that surround it.
  • Subdural hemorrhages: bleeding that occurs between the meninges.
  • Epidural hemorrhages: bleeding that occurs between the skull and the covering of the brain.

Due to the severe nature of these adverse events, patients may contact a lawyer at The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP for a free case evaluation of their potential Plavix cerebral hemorrhage lawsuit.

Cerebral Hemorrhage Side effects

Side effects are directly correlated to the amount of blood displaced and the location in which the bleeding is occurring. Therefore, cerebra hemorrhaging may result in several side effects with varying degrees of severity. The following is a comprehensive list of cerebral hemorrhaging side effects:

  • Sudden and intense headaches
  • A steady loss of neurological functions
  • Weakness
  • Loss of simple motor skills
  • Paralysis
  • Abnormal sense of taste
  • Numbness
  • Loss of speech
  • Loss of vision
  • Confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

Cerebral Hemorrhage Complications

When blood from trauma irritates brain tissues, it causes swelling. This is known as cerebral edema. The pooled blood collects into a mass called a hematoma. These conditions increase pressure on nearby brain tissue, and that reduces vital blood flow and kills brain cells. The restricted flow of nutrients may result in a stroke, further adding to the eradication of irreplaceable brain cells. If the bleeding is significant enough, cerebral hemorrhages may result in death within minutes of happening.

Plavix & Asprin May Cause Cerebral Hemorrhage

According to a stroke prevention study preformed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), patients receiving simultaneous Asprin and Plavix treatment may significantly increase their risk of fatal bleeding. The study was an attempt for healthcare officials to determine the safety and effectiveness of Plavix and Asprin joint therapy. The 2003 study tested whether Plavix, in association with Asprin, could prevent recurring strokes in people who had recently suffered strokes in small vessels of the brain.

Out of the 3,000 participants, 6.5% of patients treated with the Plavix-Aspirin combination experienced an adverse bleeding event. Subsequently, 3.3% of those who took Asprin alone developed similar bleeding symptoms. Studies also indicated that simultaneous treatment, with Asprin and Plavix, was responsible for a death rate of 5.8%. Walter Koroshetz, the deputy director of NINDS acknowledged that “the combination does not offer any protection, but does put you at increased risk for bleeding.”

Do I Have a Plavix Cerebral Hemorrhage Lawsuit?

The trial lawyers at The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP have decades of experience navigating through complex legislative and regulatory issues and litigating high stakes cases all over the nation. Our law firm focuses on the representation of plaintiffs in Plavix cerebral hemorrhage lawsuits. We are currently accepting new cases in all 50 states.

Again, if you or a loved one has suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage after using Plavix, you should contact our lawyers immediately by clicking the link below or calling toll free 1-(949) 557-5800. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and we can help.