New Expose Uncovers The Hype Behind Testosterone “Boosting” Products

A newly published expose in The Atlantic Monthly underscores the fact that recent aggressive advertising campaigns by companies selling testosterone replacement therapies and so-called testosterone-boosting dietary supplements have grossly exaggerated the frequency and severity of age-related testosterone deficiency and have understated potential risks.

Citing statistics published in the British Medical Journal, the article notes that “only 0.1 percent of men in their forties, 0.6 percent in their fifties, 3.2 percent in their sixties, and 5.1 percent of men in their seventies would meet the criteria for the diagnosis [of testosterone clinically significant low testosterone].”

The article concludes, “in the age-old tradition of snake oil peddlers and traveling medicine shows, TRT is but the latest elixir from the fountain of youth. Offering a heady brew of hope and hype distilled at the drawing boards of advertising agencies, tubes of testosterone are the latest wares for the unwary.”

It is likely that thousands of American consumers are unnecessarily being prescribed testosterone replacement therapies, some of which have been associated with a variety of potential side effects, including cancer. Many others have chosen to use purported “natural” testosterone “boosters” in the form of herbal dietary supplements purchased over the counter or through the Internet. There is little, if any, valid scientific evidence showing that these supplements actually increase testosterone, or effectively treat the symptoms of low testosterone.

The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP, is actively investigating the testosterone-booster diet supplement industry. If you feel that you have been the victim of fraudulent advertising of these types of products, contact our offices for a fee consultation.