Boy Scout Leaders Accused of Sexual Abuse in Washington

Former adult leaders affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America are under investigation after being accused of committing regular acts of sexual abuse in the state of Washington. The lawsuit, which was filed last Thursday, August 29th, accuses 13 different people of engaging in sexually abusive behaviors, all of which are said to have occurred at popular Washington state sites, including camps just outside of Seattle.

The lawsuit accuses the largest number of sexual abuse defendants in a single case in the history of cases filed against the Boy Scouts of America. Among the accused:

  • A scoutmaster accused of repeatedly abusing two boys
  • A business manager accused of abusing a boy inside of a camp tent
  • A camp cook accused of raping a boy

Filed in the King County Superior Court, the case sheds light on an alarming fact: The Boy Scouts of America, along with affiliate organizations such as local schools and churches, was neglectful in the organization’s duties to protect the Scouts who attended camps throughout the state.

Of particular concern in the lawsuit is Camp Brinkley, which has earned much of the attention now being paid to the sexual abuse allegations that have been made. Recently renamed Camp Edward, the camp is located in Snohomish, Washington. According to reports filed in conjunction with the lawsuit, the campsite was the source of misconduct for decades on end, beginning in the late 1960s and lasting all the way until 1992.

Little more information has been revealed about the sexual misconduct allegations that have been made. A statement released from a spokesperson for the Boy Scouts of America declined to comment on the matter, but did say that the organization as a whole is deeply regretful of any times which may have resulted in the abuse of Scouts.

As one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, the Boy Scouts of America is expected to promote responsible citizenship and character development among the young men who call themselves Scouts. Character traits such as these, however, are far from the ones that have been exhibited in recent years, during which time a number of findings have revealed thousands of documents evidencing patterns of sexual abuse of Scouts in regions throughout the U.S.

Not many years ago, The Los Angeles Times released the “Perversion Files,” which systematically revealed summaries of the thousands of court cases related to reports of sexual abuse by Boy Scout officials. The newest lawsuit claiming sexual abuse is the latest in what has apparently been a decades-long trend of misconduct among the leaders of the Boys Scouts of America.

Given the rising number of allegations that have been against the organization, officials of the Boy Scouts of America have taken swift action to hire defense attorneys who can fight the demands for the disclosure of any evidential documents that could help in the identification of abusers. Accordingly, if you or your child were victimized by the sexually abusive behaviors of a Scout leader, then you too will need a lawyer by your side.

At The Senators FirmĀ®, the details of your case will be thoroughly reviewed by a professional member of our legal team. With the help of a California child sexual abuse lawyer from our firm, you can confidently pursue your case in court. We have been working in the legal field for decades, and we understand that taking legal action after being victimized can be extremely difficult. Our aim is to help you stand up for yourself and hold your abuser legally responsible for the wrongful acts that were committed against you. We will do so carefully, confidentially, and respectfully, and we can move at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Contact The Senators FirmĀ® for professional legal help from a California child abuse attorney at our office.