Los Angeles Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer

At The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP, we care about survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Los Angeles. We understand the significant physical, emotional, and psychological toll that sexual abuse can take on a victim. Our mission is to help survivors move forward as much as possible by holding perpetrators and religious institutions accountable for child sexual abuse.

Our Los Angeles clergy abuse attorneys are here for you during this difficult time. Contact The Senators Firm to speak to an experienced attorney about a potential clergy sexual abuse case against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles today. We offer free, private consultations.

What Is Clergy Sexual Abuse?

Clergy sexual abuse refers to sex crimes committed by senior members of a church or religious organization. Vulnerable children of the church can be targeted by sexual predators who hold positions of power within their religious institutions, including priests, bishops, and pastors.

Sexual offenders may groom, abuse and assault child parishioners – and, in many cases, escape culpability due to a long-standing code of silence by superiors at these institutions. Examples of clergy sexual abuse include child molestation, inappropriate touching or fondling, penetration, exposure of sexual organs in front of a child, child pornography, and rape.

Priests in Los Angeles Have Been Credibly Accused of Child Sexual Abuse

Like many religious institutions in California, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has a long history of shielding sexual abusers, such as relocating them to other dioceses rather than permanently removing them from their positions. In 2013, the Archdiocese released files of clergy with information regarding 192 priests and bishops named in litigation. Recorded cases by the diocese date back to 1931, with the majority of incidents falling between 1968 and 1982. These clergy members – among others – could face litigation by victims in Los Angeles.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Clergy Sexual Abuse in California?

If you wish to bring a claim against a church or religious institution for clergy sexual abuse in Los Angeles, you must adhere to California’s statute of limitations. This is a legal deadline for filing a sexual assault or abuse claim. The statute of limitations for a child sexual abuse case is the victim’s 40th birthday or five years from the date that he or she discovers a connection between a mental injury or illness and child sexual abuse, whichever comes later. The deadline for a case involving a victim over the age of 18 is 10 years from the last incident or three years from the date of discovery.

Compensation Available for Clergy Sexual Abuse

No amount of financial compensation could ever make up for a crime as terrible as clergy sexual abuse. Obtaining a fair settlement or judgment award, however, can make it easier for a victim to move forward, without as much financial stress. A civil claim could result in compensation for the following losses, among others:

  • Medical costs and expenses
  • Prescription medications
  • Therapy or counseling for mental health
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress or anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Lost wages and capacity to earn
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Punitive damages, in some cases

At The Senators Firm, we use proven and aggressive legal strategies to seek maximum financial compensation for clergy sexual abuse survivors. We are prepared to go to trial on your behalf, if necessary. Our Los Angeles clergy sexual abuse lawyers are committed to holding churches and other religious institutions financially responsible for the harm suffered by victims of sexual abuse.

Contact Us Today for a Free Case Consultation in Los Angeles

Clergy sexual abuse has lasting consequences for a survivor. If you or a loved one has suffered this heinous crime in Los Angeles or the surrounding cities, contact The Senators Firm for a free case evaluation. We will listen to your story and believe you. Then, as your Los Angeles clergy sexual abuse attorneys, we will collect evidence against one or multiple parties and bring a lawsuit on your behalf. We will use aggressive legal strategies to pursue the best possible case results. Begin with a free and 100-percent confidential consultation. Call (949) 557-5800 today.