Riverside Child Exploitation Lawyer

Child exploitation is a dangerous crime that can alter a victim’s life forever. At The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP, our attorneys are passionate about bringing those who exploit youth for commercial sex acts to justice. Our law firm can help if you or a loved one suffered child sexual exploitation and wish to pursue a civil claim in Riverside, California. Contact us today for a free and entirely confidential case consultation with one of our Riverside child exploitation attorneys. We will believe you.

Why Choose Us?

  • The Senators Firm has collected millions of dollars in positive case results for our past clients. We have what it takes to navigate even the most complicated child exploitation cases.
  • We will put you first throughout your child sexual exploitation case. We can keep your identity confidential, if desired, and make sure you have everything you need during this difficult time.
  • Our Riverside child exploitation lawyers are passionate about more than helping victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation; we also push for significant changes in the law to prevent these crimes in the future.

How Is Child Exploitation Defined in California?

The sexual exploitation of youth under the age of consent (18 years old in California) refers to an adult taking advantage of a child for the purpose of commercializing sexual acts. It can involve recruiting, abducting, harboring, transporting, or soliciting a child with the intent to make a profit out of sexually exploiting the victim.

Child exploitation may involve the following types of crimes:

  • Child abuse, mistreatment, or neglect
  • Child pornography (production, distribution, possession, etc.)
  • Child abduction for child sex trafficking
  • Child molestation, groping or fondling
  • Forcible penetration, sodomy or oral copulation
  • Intercourse, rape, statutory rape or attempted rape

Any sex acts involving a minor, including those performed through force, fraud or coercion, for commercial gain constitutes child exploitation. This includes providing food, money or shelter to a child in exchange for the performance of sexual acts.

Signs of Child Sexual Exploitation

Children who are sexually exploited often rely on outsiders to intervene and help them. There are many reasons for victims to stay silent. For example, they may have been deceived by their abusers into thinking they are in a consensual or loving relationship. They may also have no choice but to comply with an abuser due to fear, intimidation, blackmail or threats.

If you notice any of the following, it could be a sign of child exploitation in Riverside:

  • Signs of physical abuse or trauma
  • Wearing provocative or revealing clothing
  • Time spent with commercial sex workers
  • Sexually explicit images online or on social media
  • Unexplained gifts, goods or expensive clothing
  • Possession of large sums of cash
  • Tattoos or branding on the child
  • Truancy or unexplained school absences
  • Inappropriate relationships with adults
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Substance use or abuse
  • Teen pregnancy

While these signs do not guarantee child sexual exploitation, they may be enough to warrant a conversation with the child or a phone call to the police. If you suspect the exploitation of a child, get help right away. If you are or were a victim of child exploitation in Riverside yourself and wish to pursue justice against one or more parties, contact The Senators Firm for legal advocacy. We know how to handle these claims on behalf of our clients.

Dedicated Representation for Victims of Child Exploitation in Riverside

Our team of Riverside child exploitation attorneys will aggressively seek maximum financial compensation for you or your child as a survivor of child exploitation in Riverside. We can help you claim economic and noneconomic damages for losses such as medical bills, therapies, medications, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call (949) 557-5800 or submit our secure online form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss a potential case. We offer free, 100-percent confidential case consultations.