Orange County Bullying at School Lawyer (K-12)

Bullying is much more than just a nuisance at school or “kids being kids.” It can evolve into a serious problem that results in injuries, significant emotional distress, and crimes being committed against a victim – including sexual abuse. Sexual bullying can refer to both physical and nonphysical actions, both of which can have a devastating impact on a victim. At The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP, our Orange County attorneys can help if your child is being bullied at school. Contact us today to learn more during a free case consultation.

The Effects of Bullying at School

Bullying refers to aggressive behavior from one child or student against another, typically due to an imbalance of power between the two. It can involve deliberately intimidating, threatening, teasing, humiliating, insulting, harming, or sexually abusing a victim. There may be one or multiple bullies teaming up against a single target. Bullies can torment a victim enough to result in negative physical, emotional, psychological, and social effects. Examples include:

  • Depression
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Shame or guilt
  • Low self-esteem
  • Isolation
  • Reduced academic performance
  • Truancy
  • Physical illness
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Criminal activity
  • Self-harm
  • Suicide

Children and young adults who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community are more at risk of bullying than their peers. It can be difficult for any child to stand up to bullies and put an end to harmful bullying at school. It is the school’s responsibility to keep students safe from bullying with proactive anti-bullying policies and zero-tolerance rules. Unfortunately, some schools turn a blind eye to bullying and fail to protect their students.

Sexual Bullying and Victims’ Rights

Sexual bullying or harassment refers to discriminating against or physically assaulting a victim through sexual actions or behaviors. In California, no child under the age of 18 can consent to sexual activity. Any type of inappropriate touching, groping, fondling, kissing, or penetration for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, abuse, or bullying is against the law. A perpetrator could face criminal consequences as well as a civil lawsuit filed by the victim’s parents or legal guardians for sexual bullying. Our lawyers are familiar with Orange County schools and have worked with victims of bullying to achieve justice.

When to Contact a Bullying Attorney in Orange County

Filing a civil lawsuit for bullying in an Orange County school grades K-12 can help a victim secure justice for the harm he or she suffered. A lawsuit could potentially be brought not only against the bully (or bully’s guardians, if underage) but also the school or administrative authority itself. Schools can be held liable for failing to prevent bullying, as well as for ignoring complaints or allegations of bullying. A family may be able to bring a claim against a private school, charter school, or public school for bullying.

Compensation Available for Bullying in K-12

The attorneys at The Senators Firm help families file bullying lawsuits and seek maximum financial compensation for their related losses. This could include the costs of medical care or counseling, as well as relocation or changing schools. A settlement or judgment award could also result in payment for a victim’s pain, suffering, and mental or emotional harm. In the most severe cases, bullying can result in a victim committing suicide. In these tragic circumstances, we help families seek compensation for wrongful death against the bully and institution.

Is Your Child Being Bullied at School in Orange County? Contact Us Today

No child should have to tolerate being bullied at school. If bullying, sexualized bullying or hazing activities have put your child in danger, contact The Senators Firm to request a free case consultation with an attorney. You may have the right to pursue compensation from the school. Our child sexual abuse lawyers can effectively make your voice heard in the civil justice system. Call (949) 557-5800 today to schedule a free case review.